Digital and printed personalized map




1. Astrocartography (Global)

Astrocartography is a global astrology technique that involves mapping the positions of planets on Earth’s surface to reveal places where specific planetary energies are particularly strong or influential. It provides insights into how different locations around the world may impact your life based on your natal chart. It’s like a global map of your astrological influences.

2. Local Space Astrology (Local)

Local Space Astrology, also known as Relocation Astrology, usually focuses on specific cities and in some cases states/provinces and countries. It analyzes how moving or residing within different cities can affect your life. It’s more detailed than astrocartography because it pinpoints the unique planetary influences inner the chosen city, giving you insights into the local energies that may shape your experiences there.

3. Domestic Astrology (Domestic)

Domestic Astrology, sometimes called Astrological Feng Shui, takes astrology to a very localized level—your home, living space, office, sports facility, and even moving objects like trains, airplanes, etc. It’s about understanding where in the surrounding space you have a higher potential to harmonize your being.
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